Baby Tub Guide: Make Bath Time With Your Little One Fun and Comfortable

picture of a baby bathing in a tub for toddlers with yellow ducks

Giving your little one a bath is one of the most wholesome moments you can experience as a parent. It can be a super bonding and fun activity, however, it’s no secret that it might be a bit stressful as well.

An excellent tip that will get both your baby and you smiling during bath time is actually a very simple one – get a quality baby bath tub. Yes, you will be able to put a stop to all the stress with just one item. Baby tubs are the ideal bathing essential which will do you a huge favour by calming down your loved one and making him feel extra comfy during the whole process. Not just that, they make a very good safety precaution as well. Now, you can choose from various kinds of tubs, all with different construction materials and features. Read on right below to find out more about them.

How to Pick Out the Ideal Tub For Your Little One

picture of a mother bathing a baby in a tub for toddlers

So, let’s dive into the question – How do I choose a baby tub? Well, you absolutely must keep in mind that there are a bunch of things you will need to consider before actually purchasing. If you go for a tub that’s just pretty-looking, then that’s just a recipe for disaster. It’s important to take your time when picking out the ideal bath tub for toddlers and babies that will offer an amazing bathing experience.

Materials and Maintenance

For starters, you should look out for the materials. This is very crucial not just for comfort, but for the purpose of safety as well. There are many different kinds of baby tubs material-wise, and surprisingly, a lot of them are made out of toxic materials, so be careful. In order to stay safe, you should always go for options that are labelled as: BPA, PVC and phthalate FREE. Now, what does this mean? These three are the most common toxins that small tubs can be made of.

BPA or Bisphenol A is suggested to be an endocrine disruptor, which can lead to conditions such as obesity or other hormonal issues. PVC or polyvinyl chloride is also a common type of material which is also found in many children’s toys and dolls. It is known to contain high levels of chlorine, making it very dangerous. It has been found that it can cause cancer-related issues, developmental problems and all sorts of damage to the human immune system. Lastly, phthalates are also on this list because they have been linked to asthma, obesity, breast cancer and even cancer.

So, in conclusion, opting for organic and eco-friendly ones will do both you and the environment a favour. The go-to material would be polypropylene plastic.

picture of a baby in a tub for toddlers

Finally, getting the proper materials will also come with a responsibility of maintenance. You should be prepared to clean and help preserve your baby’s tub as much as you can. Here are some quick tips on how to do so:

  • Always use microfiber cloths.
  • Avoid cleaning right before bath time.
  • Make bleach your last option.
  • Go for gentle cleaners.
  • Opt for home-based cleaners, such as: dish soap, vinegar, lemon mixed with salt.

Additional Features

If you want to enhance the whole bathing experience even more, then go for a quality tub for toddlers that comes with additional features. This could include drain plugs, which are excellent for letting out excess water or flushing all of it out after bath time is finished. Thermometer gauges are mandatory in this case. They will do a great job at showing you the temperature of the water, making certain that your baby is not too cold or too hot. Non-slip surfaces are also a must as they are great at preventing your baby from falling or slipping. For that extra safety, always pick out round and smooth edges that will prevent injuries. Lastly, consider the convenience of the tub. It’s best if you go for a convertible one which you can switch up according to your baby’s age, or pick a foldable variety which will be very easy for storing. Remember, don’t rush when choosing!

General Tips for a Successful Bath Time

picture of a mother bathing a baby in a pink tub for toddlers

Now, it’s time to think about how to do a baby bath the right way. Let’s say you have your tub and your baby with you, what’s next?

A very smart move here would be getting your loved one fun, water-friendly toys. They will be the perfect companions which will make the whole experience super fun and exciting. Let’s not forget to mention that some tubs even come with additional features specifically made for entertainment. An example of that would be an added music player on which you can play all sorts of children’s songs.

Next up, grab the bathing essentials. This can include from 4 to 5 soft, cotton washcloths that will perfectly slide on your baby’s body. Get a couple of terry bath towels, too. The more the merrier! It’s always best to be prepared than to run around looking for things during the process. Then, the most important part would be to pick a shampoo or soap that is gentle and unscented. Babies and toddlers have extremely sensitive skin, so you should only get baby-based shampoos. As a finish up product, an unscented moisturiser will do good.

Other products you can use can be a bath mat, which goes right under the tub and serves as a floor-protector from all the water. You can also get a rinsing cup. You can use it to rinse out the shampoo in quite an efficient and precise way. If you use your hands for this, you might end up getting too frustrated or tired.


picture of a baby in a blue tub for toddlers with toys

So, if you want to turn the bathing experience of your little one into a really thrilling and safe activity, then definitely make time to pick out from the many top-quality baby bathtubs on the market. Just be sure to get ones that are toxin free, along with additional convenient features. So, when it’s bath o’clock, grab the tub with the essentials and have a fun time with your kiddo.

Author: connordunlea

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